Summer Series - Handicap Life and What Do I Need More Of In My Life?

It was great to start the day with a full night sleep, unlike yesterday. A full eight hours of sleep, but yet I’m still tired though. Maybe the mundane day to day, and my impatience to get back into running is cutting into my quality of sleep. I am happy to report however, that I’m now walking completely pain free. I also may have lost my limp which is another stride in the right direction! I’m also making a point to do more walking, around the house anyway. While I’m restricted to working from home until further notice, I don’t want to become a couch potato and lose range of motion from inactivity. I’m trying to get up and walk for a few minutes, every hour on the hour. I was also able to do some upper body workouts in the garage gym this morning, still being very careful to not put any weight on me that would add unnecessary load to my pelvis. This upcoming Sunday will mark four weeks since my injury, and this next Tuesday will be exactly one month. It’s very exciting seeing that I’m coming up on what the doctor perceived to be the halfway point to my recovery. I have my next follow up meeting with my orthopedic physician on August 5, and I hope he tells me that my progress has been great, and that I will be able to run the Chicago marathon in October… But we shall see.

In other life news, my poor fur baby is sick! He had to go to the vet this morning and he unfortunately has kennel cough. He stayed at a local dog boarding place for the first four days of our Alaskan vacation, he was picked up by my mom after just a few days and unfortunately, he is just not feeling very well. This poor guy will be getting antibiotics mixed in with some cheese and bacon for the next few days until he starts to act like himself again. I’m glad that it worked out that I could be home with him to take care of him.
All right, now let’s try and put the theme of this blog page back to where it was before my crisis last month. I was working on a summer series, and also some off topic posts. I had wanted also wanted to blog about some of “life’s little surprises” and some things that happened last month and will be working on putting together a 2 or 3 part story time. Let’s go ahead and answer the question of the day. I need more time to read! I feel like I’ve answered this before, or a question similar to this before lol but for real, I’m all cleaned up and ready for bed so I’ll be posting this blog post asap and go read a chapter or two before I fall asleep.

Time for a surprise hot take…I was contacted by a family member over the weekend. One that I truly, hardly ever hear from, and they were informing me that they were deleting their social media and were letting me know so I wouldn’t think I was getting deleted. Very considerate of them.

This somewhat worries me though, and here’s why. In my opinion, when somebody deletes their social media, completely stops posting, or goes on a complete social media hiatus, that is a huge red flag that there is something going on, or they are unhappy in their personal life. If somebody who has otherwise been one to post, make occasional life updates, change your profile picture, and just have any level of online presence, suddenly deletes, everything or stops posting altogether? That might as well be a new cover photo on your Facebook that says “I’m not ok right now.” I can think of a number of people where, after observing their online social behavior, could definitely tell that something was not right in their personal life. And more often than not, come to find out later, there were problems happening in their personal life. That’s just my opinion. Your online life paints a bit of a picture about your personal one. And since my family member contacted me to tell me they were deleting all of their social media, I’m pretty worried for them.

Tomorrow I’m going to talk about some nutrition deficiencies my doctor pointed out to me and what I’m doing to make changes!


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