Summer Series - Favorite Qualities About Myself

Happy Friday!! I didn’t have time to blog yesterday with all I had in front of me with work. I logged in at 7:30 and didn’t log out until after 5. Despite the long day, it passed by so quickly with everything that I had to do which also included a lengthy presentation for a department meeting. I definitely need another vacation to recover from this week lol nothing is on the calendar as far as traveling is concerned for right now unless we do something at the end of the year or late fall.

Physical updates, none really. Everything still feels about the same except I went for a 20 minute walk last night without the cane or crutches! Mavs is starting to feel a bit better too so he was glad to get outside just as much as I was. I’m also happy to report that I have been regularly weight training by doing upper body work, and also I’m now able to work out on a rowing machine. With all of that, and staying consistent, I’ve actually lost 2 pounds! I’m excited about tomorrow because in lieu of my Saturday long run which still pains me to miss, I’m going to be spending it at my gym, and follow it up with a nail appointment.

Ok, question of the day. A quality that I do love about myself is the fact that I am always optimistic. I seem to be a little bit more optimistic than the average person, unless of course I have broken a hip and can’t run for two months lol then I’m just blue. I do consider myself a little bit of a realist, but I’m always hoping for and focusing on the best possible outcome. I feel like that’s a healthier way to navigate through life, because if you’re only seeing the bad, and anticipating the worst, how happy of a person can you be? And honestly, how healthy is that really? Lol.

Matthew is off for a couple of days and the poor thing is actually sick. He works with the public quite a bit in his line of work, so it’s inevitable that he would catch a travelers flu bug at some point this year lol thankfully, I haven’t caught what he has yet. Hoping it stays that way he is getting a little bit better though, and we’re hoping to have dinner at Santionis tomorrow as soon as they open. If you’ve been there before, you know that the bread is amazing!

Hoping my first installment of a bigger post is out today. A few weeks ago, I tried to post a blog titled “Treadmills and Tragedies” to talk about the happenings of my earlier blog days and the epic flop it was. That all happened before something unexpected came up last month too, which I found very coincidental. If you are up for some tea, stay tuned for more! I will leave you with a picture of my new tumbler lol


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