In My Handicap Era - Skagway

Happy Wednesday, it’s good to have cell service again! Another tiny step in my physical process as I’m walking more now today. I decided to take the cane on our morning excursion so I could get more steps in. Breakfast was pretty early this morning with a big scoop of egg and three pieces of turkey bacon. I’m hormonal right now so I had to have a spoonful of Nutella from the breakfast bar. We went on a train ride up into the mountains and it would have been amazing if it wasn’t raining. I did get some good pictures and the conductor told several stories about the Gold Rush and pointed out several trails along the old train tracks that had been there some since the 1800’s! Got to see some older train tracks too just before crossing over into Canada prior to turning around and heading back to the train station in Skagway. It was a fun trip off the ship and we’ll be in port today until 7 PM Alaska time.

Since the morning started off with an excursion and quick breakfast, there was no time to go to the gym. After we got back to the ship, we had a quick lunch and went back to our rooms for a quick nap. I had my usual spinach salad and had some Asian beef bulgogi on the side for some protein. Washed it all down with some milk just like I did at breakfast. Nutrition is the key to this trip! The workout today was a little quick since yesterday was longer and harder on the upper body. I’m still sore from it actually and so I focused on my back/core routines as well as the floor exercises written out for me from my physical therapist. Finished it all off with a trip to the thermal spa and dozed off on one of the heated stone beds lol speaking of which…hello again progress! All that heat to my lower half loosened me up and when I got up, I didn’t have a limp anymore!

Around 4:30 the drizzle completely stopped so we got to venture off the ship into the little tourist town of Skagway and I really enjoyed the mobility that I didn’t have earlier this week!


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