In My Handicap Era - Nutrition and Some Progress

Today marks two weeks since I fractured my pelvis and this morning I woke up with some positive healing progress! Bending my right knee to help support my weight didn’t hurt and I can truly, walk without assistance right now. I’m very encouraged by this but I’m absolutely still using my crutches for the full 6 weeks that the doc wants me to. The trouble with a broken pelvis is that the more “load” you put on it, the longer it’ll take to heal. So taking pressure off my right side when I’m walking is going to be of paramount importance to making sure I stay on track with my body getting back to normal.

I got to workout last night after we got to our hotel in Anchorage and Matt was there to help me however I needed him to. Yesterday’s nutrition was focused 100% on bringing in as much nutrition as I could get a hold of at the places we stopped to eat at. For breakfast, we stopped at this little diner and I had a cheddar cheese and spinach omelette with milk. I didn’t finish the hash browns because I’m honestly not a hash brown fan. Our lunch was really quick so no pic, but I had a really delicious salmon sandwich and honestly it had to have been the freshest salmon I’ve ever had and it was phenomenal! No snacks today with traveling but we did get to Outback for dinner and I had more salmon, fresh vegetables and some more milk afterwards at the hotel. Honestly, all these heavy calories are weighing heavy on my calorie conscious heart and the way I’m feeling some of my clothes fitting tighter is extremely triggering but I’m desperate to heal.

Even though I feel encouraged by my progress, I’m still dealing with waves of grief, especially in the morning. My mornings have always, for the most part, started with a run and I miss it dearly. Being out of running hurts my heart deeply and I still don’t know if I’ll be able to run Chicago (which happens to be in 13 weeks) but only time will tell and it’s up to God to decide if I can run that race or not. I’m declaring victory over this injury in the name of Jesus and I’ll run Chicago if it’s His will for me to do so. Even though my hearts broken in a way I never thought possible, I’m leaning into Roman’s 8:18 right now and trying to remember that God would never put me through a trial of this magnitude if there wasn’t something in this to either benefit me, someone else, or His kingdom (Isaiah 55:8)


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