In My Handicap Era - Juneau

Thursday recap from Juneau! Physical progress updates today: I’m pretty much able to walk without any assistance but I have to take tiny baby steps. The tendonitis I still have along with some of the tearing isn’t letting me forget it’s still trying to heal up and honestly I think that will take the longest to fully heal.

We made our way to the state capital and rented a Jeep for the day to do some sight seeing. I was really happy to be able to do some walking in the Mendall Glacier state park and was able to walk a total of two miles pain free! On the way back, we stopped at Eagle Beach and saw multiple eagles flying overhead! I was really hard to snap a good picture of one but we caught an even better video on the way back to Juneau. We came up on an eagle still eating a fish and we drove behind it for a good quarter mile. I can’t upload videos to this page but I’ll be sure to upload it on Instagram later this week so check it out.

Once we finished our morning excursions, we returned to the ship to eat lunch and then we went back out into Juneau to do some more walking, T-shirt shopping and me and my MIL hit up a few coffee shops looking for the best chai tea lol we both have an identical obsession for chai and we actually found a great locally owned coffee shop right across the street from where we got our shirts

The rest of the day we chilled on the ship, did some working out in the gym and got cleaned up for a fancy dinner. I’m loving being in an environment with zero humidity lol my hair volume is on POINT and I love the fullness! Going to miss that so much when we get back in town next week.


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