In My Handicap Era - Vancouver

Happy Sunday from Canada! We got off the ship today and honestly I have a better attitude about facing the music of reality after we get home tomorrow. I’m starting to accept that my physical progress in terms of healing will be slow and steady and I’ve even begun letting go of the possibility of running Chicago. More on that later but honestly, I’m proud of myself for how I’m entertaining the idea of plan B…..if it comes to that, I’m still 95% determined to heal and nail that marathon but we shall see. I’m so tired of drinking milk and force feeding myself veggies to make sure I’m hitting each and every part of the food pyramid lol I will have a multivitamin from Amazon waiting on me for when we get home so I can stop torturing myself with all of this dairy!

Alright, so Vancouver. Once we got to our hotel, Matt and I parted ways and he went for a run (lucky lol) and I went to the gym to do my morning PT. I’m feeling good enough to walk more so I enjoyed some slow walking on the treadmill after my hip exercises. Can you say ‘Down Bad’? Except no time for tears this morning even though the gym mirrors made me look horrible body wise and I didn’t want to touch anymore food the rest of the day….anyhew…I’m glad I still made a point to move even with the blues and just life in general stacked against me.

After some gym time we all set off into the city to do some exploring. We ended up navigating to a tourist part of the city via a small ferry, to this cute little town to do some window shopping and get Mexican for lunch. Afterwards, me and my MIL spent the rest of the afternoon together at a Marshall’s and different town center together shopping lol I found some good deals on gold chain and earrings and was happy to also find out that the US dollar goes a little farther here in Canada.

Matt and Mark met us for dinner and now we’re all getting ready for an incredibly early flight to the US tomorrow morning and freaking 3:45. Happy I met my step goal today because tomorrow I know I’ll be getting pushed around a lot in the wheelchair to get us through the busy and fast paced airports.


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