What is your happiest memory from childhood?
Oh my gosh, guess who it is!? World’s worst blogger lol I will not apologize because I’ve really just been enjoying unplugging from social media, and technology and being a focused on reading books in my free time as opposed to creative writing. Creative writing will always have its purposes in my life though, and I’ll still keep up with it, but I’ve wanted to make it my goal to do more reading this year. Not just in the fiction category, but also in educational topics that pertain to things that I’m interested in.
I just finished another 10 hour day at the home office and I have to say that it actually turned out to be a really productive day. It was probably because I returned to the track today for the first time in over seven months! I’m really hoping that my new coaching plan can have me Doing hard intervals on this track every single Wednesday from now until June. Once June gets here, Lord willing there will be bigger things in store that I’ll be able to share at that time. One day at a time though :) Before we get to the scheduled topic for today, let’s talk about something that I’m a little bit more excited about. If you happened to check my social media from over the weekend, you will see what my content drop was all about! I did in fact run my first half marathon that I have ran in about a year, and it was the furthest distance that I’ve run since I fractured my pelvis. As per my post, I was definitely afraid to run this distance. The farthest distance that I’ve ran outside since finishing runners rehab I think was maybe 7 miles? And it was at a very slow and gentle pace. I had no problem going into this 13 miler just easy pacing it, but I also know that I am very competitive and I may not have been able to slow pace it For long lol there is no feeling that can replicate the exhilaration of running with other people. It’s really empowering when you’re running alongside of others. You almost feel like their presence give you strength. I love the running community and I would have been sad missing out on this past Sunday. Did I also mention that the race was very cold and I refused to wear shorts lol here’s me running in capris! I obviously did not set a personal best in the 13.1, but I am very proud of how I kept myself paced and surprised myself with keeping the pace that I did. I even had a little energy at the very end to sprint for the last 10th of a mile! I’m really looking forward to training hard in these next few weeks to hopefully at least hit the time that I hit last year for the Gate River Run but we shall see lol
Here’s a happy memory from my childhood :) I’ll leave it at that tonight!
I just finished another 10 hour day at the home office and I have to say that it actually turned out to be a really productive day. It was probably because I returned to the track today for the first time in over seven months! I’m really hoping that my new coaching plan can have me Doing hard intervals on this track every single Wednesday from now until June. Once June gets here, Lord willing there will be bigger things in store that I’ll be able to share at that time. One day at a time though :) Before we get to the scheduled topic for today, let’s talk about something that I’m a little bit more excited about. If you happened to check my social media from over the weekend, you will see what my content drop was all about! I did in fact run my first half marathon that I have ran in about a year, and it was the furthest distance that I’ve run since I fractured my pelvis. As per my post, I was definitely afraid to run this distance. The farthest distance that I’ve ran outside since finishing runners rehab I think was maybe 7 miles? And it was at a very slow and gentle pace. I had no problem going into this 13 miler just easy pacing it, but I also know that I am very competitive and I may not have been able to slow pace it For long lol there is no feeling that can replicate the exhilaration of running with other people. It’s really empowering when you’re running alongside of others. You almost feel like their presence give you strength. I love the running community and I would have been sad missing out on this past Sunday. Did I also mention that the race was very cold and I refused to wear shorts lol here’s me running in capris! I obviously did not set a personal best in the 13.1, but I am very proud of how I kept myself paced and surprised myself with keeping the pace that I did. I even had a little energy at the very end to sprint for the last 10th of a mile! I’m really looking forward to training hard in these next few weeks to hopefully at least hit the time that I hit last year for the Gate River Run but we shall see lol
Here’s a happy memory from my childhood :) I’ll leave it at that tonight!
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