What are the five things you are thankful for? Valentine’s Day recap!
Happy Sunday everyone! It’s not hard to believe that the weekend is just about over and let me tell you, I slept through most of it. My body is more tired lately with my ramping my training back up and I’ve not felt bad not attacking my morning runs at sunrise like I used to. A 9:30 run is just fine every now and again. Sometimes we have to listen to our bodies and just get that extra sleep! All smiles after 6 windy miles this morning!
How about I answer today’s question before rambling on about life lately and talking endlessly over my post run coffee? What are the 5 things I’m currently thankful for?
Good books
Gods Grace
Hope for the future
Well, obviously, I’ve not been blogging the way that I used to and that really just boils down to a couple of things. The first one is that Work has really ramped up. I would say that it really started to ramp up and its busyness probably since November of last year? Before that I was able to find time during the day to do a little bit of creative writing on my lunch or maybe when I found a little bit of downtime, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I could go into the office on campus as early as 730, not log off until five, and there will still be piles of things in front of me that I need to address. My team has grown exponentially, and I’m now managing the largest non-cancer research team at the Florida practice. It’s very exciting really, but it’s just a lot to handle. I’m so incredibly blessed and grateful for my job and I love what I do, and I don’t take it lightly that my day is filled up with productivity. I just miss being able to Creative writing a little bit more lol the other thing that has changed has been my keen and sudden interest in reading good books. I noticed that over the course of last year when I got injured, that I was using a few things to mentally distract myself. Books became one of them. Everybody loves a good book and I’m working on a couple of series right now and it’s just really hard to find the time to sit and read. Believe it or not, but even a childless woman like myself struggles to find time to just do the things that she enjoys. I’ve also just enjoyed being more present with Matt and Mavs. Life’s so short and I love spending the time we all spend together as a family.
Life updates: I’m increasing my training volume and that’s been a blessing. Every now and again I’ll feel what my PT calls a “Niggle” At my injury site and it will absolutely scare the crap out of me lol but I’m training differently, eating more with more concentrated nutrition and following the doctors orders. I am grateful that I get to train and do what I love! What else? I have a new TV show that I’m obsessed with…..Outlander, WOW! …. Sam Heughan lol what a show, great plot and yes the casting is pretty brilliant lol ok here’s something else from lately, I found my old WordPress blog from 2019 and felt super nostalgic! And then I deleted it! lol I barely have time to blog on this page I can’t have two! Last item (I think) our wedding anniversary is next week! Fun facts, we got married on my sister in laws birthday so we’re all getting pizza on Tuesday for her birthday and Matt and I will celebrate 8 years next weekend.
Speaking of my sister in law, I didn’t snap a picture but she brought my nephews over on Valentine’s Day after their school party! I worked from home and had candies for them and then we all went to Jeremiah’s. They’re the sweetest and cutest little boys! I swear Wells looks so much like Matthew when he was that age. My sis in law and I talked a lot about a friend of ours who’s getting married next month, gossiped about our usual topics and Jack told me all about his school party that day.
I made a 3 course valentines dinner for Matt after he got home from work. We don’t get mushy with Valentine’s Day lol it’s not our thing especially since Tuesday is our wedding anniversary. It was a quiet night in like most of them are that ended with falling asleep in front of the tv with little Mavs snuggled up between us. I love this man so much it hurts and I’m blessed to have celebrated our 12th Valentine’s Day together.
Good books
Gods Grace
Hope for the future
Well, obviously, I’ve not been blogging the way that I used to and that really just boils down to a couple of things. The first one is that Work has really ramped up. I would say that it really started to ramp up and its busyness probably since November of last year? Before that I was able to find time during the day to do a little bit of creative writing on my lunch or maybe when I found a little bit of downtime, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I could go into the office on campus as early as 730, not log off until five, and there will still be piles of things in front of me that I need to address. My team has grown exponentially, and I’m now managing the largest non-cancer research team at the Florida practice. It’s very exciting really, but it’s just a lot to handle. I’m so incredibly blessed and grateful for my job and I love what I do, and I don’t take it lightly that my day is filled up with productivity. I just miss being able to Creative writing a little bit more lol the other thing that has changed has been my keen and sudden interest in reading good books. I noticed that over the course of last year when I got injured, that I was using a few things to mentally distract myself. Books became one of them. Everybody loves a good book and I’m working on a couple of series right now and it’s just really hard to find the time to sit and read. Believe it or not, but even a childless woman like myself struggles to find time to just do the things that she enjoys. I’ve also just enjoyed being more present with Matt and Mavs. Life’s so short and I love spending the time we all spend together as a family.
Life updates: I’m increasing my training volume and that’s been a blessing. Every now and again I’ll feel what my PT calls a “Niggle” At my injury site and it will absolutely scare the crap out of me lol but I’m training differently, eating more with more concentrated nutrition and following the doctors orders. I am grateful that I get to train and do what I love! What else? I have a new TV show that I’m obsessed with…..Outlander, WOW! …. Sam Heughan lol what a show, great plot and yes the casting is pretty brilliant lol ok here’s something else from lately, I found my old WordPress blog from 2019 and felt super nostalgic! And then I deleted it! lol I barely have time to blog on this page I can’t have two! Last item (I think) our wedding anniversary is next week! Fun facts, we got married on my sister in laws birthday so we’re all getting pizza on Tuesday for her birthday and Matt and I will celebrate 8 years next weekend.
Speaking of my sister in law, I didn’t snap a picture but she brought my nephews over on Valentine’s Day after their school party! I worked from home and had candies for them and then we all went to Jeremiah’s. They’re the sweetest and cutest little boys! I swear Wells looks so much like Matthew when he was that age. My sis in law and I talked a lot about a friend of ours who’s getting married next month, gossiped about our usual topics and Jack told me all about his school party that day.
I made a 3 course valentines dinner for Matt after he got home from work. We don’t get mushy with Valentine’s Day lol it’s not our thing especially since Tuesday is our wedding anniversary. It was a quiet night in like most of them are that ended with falling asleep in front of the tv with little Mavs snuggled up between us. I love this man so much it hurts and I’m blessed to have celebrated our 12th Valentine’s Day together.
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