If you could change one thing about your life today, what would it be?
Well Happy Monday everyone! The weekend went by WAY too fast but who cares! Living for the weekend gives us way too much room for disappointment, you can't possibly live for the weekend when there's so much that life offers during the week right? Spoken like an opportunist I guess. I hope your Monday is starting off better than mine though. Last night I had one of the very rare night time occurrences where I really struggled to fall asleep. I slept MAYBE 5 hours and missed my morning workout sooooooo, once I'm off work I have a hard swet session to look forward to lol
It's Monday which means I'm not cooking tonight, so that works out. I'll get to focus on my strength training and get to roll straight into the shower and right into bed and I can hardly wait! My new Frieda McFadden book has taken over my life for the moment but I doubt I'll have any energy to read this evening after going all in at the office on just 5 hours of sleep. How about we knock out todays topic?
That's a hard one. Having more time would be awesome but doesn't everyone want that? I would probably say that it would be really great to know what this next year truly holds. There are potentially some really large changes impacting the Stevens household in 2025 and there's just a lot in front of us that we don't know yet. I'm optimistic though and so is Matt. We are both glass half full kind of people but sometimes the unknown is terrifying. I'm really looking forward to 2026 and hopefully having some answers and things sorted out. What exactly does that pertain to? I won't say. Not ready to talk about it yet and despite the fact that I have public social media profiles, tons of followers and now I run a more exclusive blog, I am still very choosey about the details I decide to put out to the public. All things are in God's hands but it's only human to still experience fear. Just fear of the unknown right now and what all that entails.
I'm actually more excited about tomorrow than I feel proud of admitting lol what is tomorrow? Well, obviously it's our wedding anniversary but I'm stoked for pizza after work. So that means I'm not cooking for two nights in a row AND, if Matt fits in his training hours after shift on Wednesday that means he won't be home until late and that's 3 nights in a row without having to figure out what to make lol I know I know I'm a brat, but any woman regardless of the kid situation can be happy about not getting elbow deep in dish water, slinging baking sheets and cooking over a hot stove at the end of a long day. If he works late I'll be thrilled to just warm up a Factor style meal and read 'The Boyfriend' in my a disposable container and plastic fork. I don't use Factor just to be clear, I tried it for one week and that intro price nearly fooled me lol it's EXPENSIVE after the one week is up. Don't get me wrong, those meals are some of the most delicous healthy and easy meals I've ever had but you won't see me spending that much money for convenience. You can get frozen healthy dinners at Publix for a fraction of the price.
On Saturday we're going to Three Forks for an anniversary dinner and I'm trying to figure out what to wear. I am not a chicka that likes to dress up so this is a struggle lol If I could wear athleisure everywhere, I would! Matt would too. We're very much a casually dressed couple but every now and again we like to step out of the run gear lol somebody help me pick out a dress! Or.....I could mortify Matt beyond all comprehension with the below lol he hates denim but you guys, this is CUTE!!! I'll think of something! Even after almost 12 years together I try to impress him :) Matt still looks just as sexy as they day we met, minus the tanning bed skin tone lol I made an email JUST for this account! I know I have some followers on here I haven't met yet so please, I would love to hear from you :) send me your vote on dinner attire ideas!
Sewing was a past hobby and I had an email for my Scarlet Quince account lol may as well use it here!
And now a word from Mavs! I took this picture yesterday and knew it was a great picture for a Monday. This face is a whole mood for today!
It's Monday which means I'm not cooking tonight, so that works out. I'll get to focus on my strength training and get to roll straight into the shower and right into bed and I can hardly wait! My new Frieda McFadden book has taken over my life for the moment but I doubt I'll have any energy to read this evening after going all in at the office on just 5 hours of sleep. How about we knock out todays topic?
That's a hard one. Having more time would be awesome but doesn't everyone want that? I would probably say that it would be really great to know what this next year truly holds. There are potentially some really large changes impacting the Stevens household in 2025 and there's just a lot in front of us that we don't know yet. I'm optimistic though and so is Matt. We are both glass half full kind of people but sometimes the unknown is terrifying. I'm really looking forward to 2026 and hopefully having some answers and things sorted out. What exactly does that pertain to? I won't say. Not ready to talk about it yet and despite the fact that I have public social media profiles, tons of followers and now I run a more exclusive blog, I am still very choosey about the details I decide to put out to the public. All things are in God's hands but it's only human to still experience fear. Just fear of the unknown right now and what all that entails.
I'm actually more excited about tomorrow than I feel proud of admitting lol what is tomorrow? Well, obviously it's our wedding anniversary but I'm stoked for pizza after work. So that means I'm not cooking for two nights in a row AND, if Matt fits in his training hours after shift on Wednesday that means he won't be home until late and that's 3 nights in a row without having to figure out what to make lol I know I know I'm a brat, but any woman regardless of the kid situation can be happy about not getting elbow deep in dish water, slinging baking sheets and cooking over a hot stove at the end of a long day. If he works late I'll be thrilled to just warm up a Factor style meal and read 'The Boyfriend' in my a disposable container and plastic fork. I don't use Factor just to be clear, I tried it for one week and that intro price nearly fooled me lol it's EXPENSIVE after the one week is up. Don't get me wrong, those meals are some of the most delicous healthy and easy meals I've ever had but you won't see me spending that much money for convenience. You can get frozen healthy dinners at Publix for a fraction of the price.
On Saturday we're going to Three Forks for an anniversary dinner and I'm trying to figure out what to wear. I am not a chicka that likes to dress up so this is a struggle lol If I could wear athleisure everywhere, I would! Matt would too. We're very much a casually dressed couple but every now and again we like to step out of the run gear lol somebody help me pick out a dress! Or.....I could mortify Matt beyond all comprehension with the below lol he hates denim but you guys, this is CUTE!!! I'll think of something! Even after almost 12 years together I try to impress him :) Matt still looks just as sexy as they day we met, minus the tanning bed skin tone lol I made an email JUST for this account! I know I have some followers on here I haven't met yet so please, I would love to hear from you :) send me your vote on dinner attire ideas!
Sewing was a past hobby and I had an email for my Scarlet Quince account lol may as well use it here!
And now a word from Mavs! I took this picture yesterday and knew it was a great picture for a Monday. This face is a whole mood for today!
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