In My Handicap Era - Back To Reality

Well, I guess it’s back to reality lol nothing like starting the very first workday back from vacation by getting to bed at 2 AM after having multiple flight delays. I’m working from home today, and it actually looks like I’ll be working from home the rest of the week as well. As far as physical progress goes, I realize this morning after making a really fast trip to Publix, that while I’m getting more mobile, Holding onto any weight, just isn’t good for my progress. The size of the campus where I work at, is pretty large. After reflecting on the distance and I would normally have to walk just to get to the employees shuttle, I decided it’s not in my recoveries best interest to try and hobble on crutches with a loaded backpack on my back. My boss is in support of this so it’s house arrest for me all week lol…

Tomorrow I’m going to try and get back into the summer series of blogs that I was working on last month until all hell broke loose in my life. I loved my daily reflections and plan to get back on track. That’s all for today, here’s a picture of my fur baby who was beyond excited to see us when we got home super early this morning! p


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