I have a theory….Friday, is called Friday, because the Fri part, means FRY as in your brain is fried by the last day of the week… at clinic was absolutely unhinged and I had to get involved in a drama spat between and nurse and one of my staff which high jacked the majority of my afternoon. The day was so incredibly busy, I ate a total of two protein bars and a coffee all day long until I was able to get home. Needless to say, even if I had had the strength to go to the gym, I did not because I have nothing left in me after today. Matt helped with dinner, I cleaned up and now I’m in bed talking to you all and will be reading a book until I fall asleep. In other news, the new Black rifle Coffee Company opened this week and I got there as soon as it opened this morning and got a large Liberty Bell! Also, I’m a cheapskate and they honored Matt’s first responder discount even if he wasn’t with me lol small wins in a hectic day!
Lastly, I felt kind of old having to explain who Eminem was to a 22 year old staff member of mine today, and defending my stance on how he's the most brilliant song writer of all time in my opinion lol kids these days…


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