In My Handicap Era - Wednesday Praise Report!

I won't sugar coat it, it's been a rough couple of days but I feel very near to God right now and am grateful for the little miracles in the past few days. The physical pain which had increased on Monday, and the mental pain of my small weight gain has been hard to deal with but I had something happen yesterday. I had the courage to step on the scale yesterday morning and I'm 3 pounds down from where I was on Saturday. This is a big deal to me and now I need to shake off the other 5 somehow lol! Not only that, I was able to sit on and use the rower yesterday at my gym for a total of 25 minutes with no pain, and had no pain when I stood up and walked after. I saw my PT today and was happy to hear about the progress this week and said if my MRI on Friday looks good, I should be able to start using the Stairmaster in two weeks. At that point, I will be 10 weeks post break and it should be ok to slightly start increasing the impact under my feet. My ortho doctor is going to call me Saturday morning too and advise on the results of the imaging and his thoughts on me being able to walk for excercise. I need time to move a little faster so these next few work days I'm purposly making busy so they go by faster lol

This bracelet I wear is actually a part of a bracelet set for the verse Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It's one of my favorite verses and one I meditated on during my single years when I was praying for my future husband. But ever since my God moment on Monday night with lots of vulnerable praying, I've been wearing the "I know" part of the bracelet. I won't lie, I've wondered where God has been during all of this and have wondered a lot of 'why' or if He is aware of the heartbreak I've experienced and I've been made aware that He is there even when I don't feel it.
He is near, and He is not done with me yet. Psalm 34:18-19


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