Summer Series - What Habit(s) Would I Want To Break?

Happy Hump Day! Yesterday started off very early and getting to campus at 6:30 to meet with my overnight team. It’s summertime in the hospital and the hospital census is at its expected all-time high with preplanned research admissions and we had a lot of workflow discussions to have. Not only was I busy with my overnight team early yesterday morning, I had to very quickly, throw together some presentation material because one of our research programs Division leaders, invited me to come and speak about the developing program initiative that I am partnering with my operations manager and the senior program coordinator in developing. I wish I had a picture of how I looked, thank goodness I dressed in a blazer and professional trousers yesterday, but I’m sure my crutches really set off the entire ensemble. Hopefully nobody could see them from behind the podium!

It was still a great day though because I got to leave work early and go and get my hair done finally! I was supposed to have my hair done on July 5, but that was just a few days after I broke my hip and I couldn’t sit up straight yet so I had to miss the appointment… I haven’t gone this long without a hair appointment since I don’t know when. But I hope that never ever happens again lol

Today was a day to work from home and it has been nuts! But, I did have a really good workout early this morning in the garage so I’ll count that as a win. Not only that, but I was able to do quite a bit of reading when I woke up a tad earlier this morning, so another positive win!

Question of the day….procrastination….I am so bad about procrastination especially on my evening routines before bed and I’m bad about delaying going to bed for some reason. It’s almost like I get a second wind of energy around the late afternoon and I delay going to bed, but then always regret it by the time my alarm goes off in the morning, lol

Well, let me show you guys some great finds I came across this week. Right here… Might be some serious competition for my favorite Built protein bars. The calories are kind of high, probably because of the peanut butter, but OH MY GOSH! If you are a peanut butter lover, I’m just warning you that you may become addicted to this. They are at the checkout at Publix in Hibernia and I bought like three or four of them and trying my hardest to make them last the week lol


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