So Long Summer Series - What is Unique About Me

Ugh I thought I posted this yesterday, sorry! Happy Tuesday/Wednesday people! It's been a great day and I will have some exciting updates with pics in my next Handicap Era installment dropping later this week. I am very encouraged by my progress during my physical therapy appointment yesterday morning, praying earnestly each day for more healing, and working hard to make a full recovery in the weeks ahead. God has been good to reveal some things to me in my life surrounding this heartbreak and I'm praying to know His heart better and how this situation will glorify my Heavenly Father!

For the first time in a very long time, work was not crazy yesterday and I spent some social time with my assistant supervisor and one of the new senior level staff who reports to me. I absolutely love how some of my colleagues are much like friends to me. At this point in time, my work life has never been better and my heart is so uplifted after I met with our director last Friday for my annual evaluation. I have some great projects being delegated to me and I'm very excited about the growth that could happen in the next year or so. I love what I do, but the only drawback to working for a company of my size is that promotional opportunities take time, and are super competitive. With the number of people in my position, I know growth will take time and I'm patient until it's my time to take the next step. Me and my AS got coffee yesterday, (he's the best, and his name is also Matt lol) we walked the campus for one lap and I got to get some dog love from one of the fur babies in our Caring Canine team. Mr. Fenway gives such sweet kisses and is such a loving boy. He snuggles your face if you get down at eye level with him and he even kep putting his paws in my lap lol this is not a flattering picture of me but my goodness, look at that sweet dog face!
The evening was spent making a really delicious couscous and pork chop dinner that Matt absolutely loved and we had a long evening walk together as a family since I have some new walking freedom! It didn't rain on us and Mavs enjoyed walking his paws in some mud which necessitated a bath for him.

So, what’s unique about me? I'm very determined, and pretty much to a faulty level lol most recent noteable downside of this is thinking I can take on more miles in my running and overtraining to a point where my body literally broke. But even in the middle of this storm, I have found ways to stay active, eat healthy and exercise to keep my mind monsters at bay and try to build my body back to a stronger baseline than before. I will always find a positive in any situation even if it takes a while to do so. I've applied this mentality to other situations in life but my positive attitude shines through even when others try to snuff it out and believe me, I've had to deal with many snuffers in my life!

My oldest nephew started VPK today and I've cried just a little lol! I can't believe he's big enough to go to school, he'll be in HS before we can even blink! Tomorrow is also his birthday so I'm going to work from home so that me and Uncle Matt can all get lunch together and buy our little dude some ice cream. I don't have any kids but love having all of the family nearby, such a blessing to my heart to be able to see the kids as often as I get to. Happy Hump Day everyone! A bonus topic for later today!

Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride!


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