So Long Summer Series - What Recharges My Energy The Most

Happy Friday to a three day weekend folks! Also, happy 2month break-aversary to me and my hip! I have a lot of thoughts on the hip break today that I'll include sometime this weekend. Let's talk about today while the day is still young (at least at the time of me writing this)

For a good three hours today, I had to sit on a virtual meeting for a site kickoff for a new non-cancer therapy trial. Research is absolutely booming at my work site and the industry sponsor for this big trial is going to be great to work with. I get to see a lot in my job in staffing management, but I still love being a part of what goes into running research trials from the level of our incredible coordinating staff. Mavs and I snuck away during our 30-minute break to grab some Black Rifle and have LOVED the beautiful sunny view from the window in the new upstairs office today. Honestly, I think having sunshine in my life is exactly what my mental health has needed. No more downstairs dark office for me.
After work I got to spend some time on the StairMaster again and absolutely love getting a good calorie burn! Matt used the treadmill today too to escape the heat during his run so we hit the gym together after he got off work and then I made some grilled chicken and potatoes for a late dinner.
So what recharges my energy the most? Depleting it. I need to exercise to be happy lol that's pretty evident and obvious isn't it. I live to workout which isn't the greatest thing but, when it comes to true recharging, I need time to myself. I'm an introvert so I definitely need alone time to recharge. I talk so much throughout the day with my job so I so often, drive home silently at the end of my work days on campus.

Time to finish up a few chapters in my book and off to bed to be up early when Matthew gets up for work!


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