What is Unique About My Personality

Happy Hurricane Day my north east Florida peeps! Hurricane Helene is now a category 2 hurricane but thankfully our region won't get more than a half inch of rain and most of the wind gusts will impact late tonight. Hello great sleeping weather :) With all this hurricane talk let's not forget that today is also Friday-eve! Had a great evening with family last night and shared quite a few laughs over recent events and had a great time getting the scoop on everyone's life updates. Matt's back to work today so last night timed up great. He will be working for the next several days so ..... boo. I have lots of reading planned this weekend alone and I'm also going to do some organic shopping at The Granary over in Orange Park.
Cool story, my mom always baked homemade bread growing up and would purchase wheat from the Granary and would grind it at home. She has a grinding mill that she's going to let me have and I plan on grinding my own wheat and making REAL home made bread this weekend for the first time :) I can't wait to go back to the Granary and see what else I can find that would go great with my purchases recently with LocalFare! Idk if I've talked about that yet, but we're loving our organic groceries and can definitely taste the difference. This is a bit off topic, but I've been exploring how to eat better and more healthy ever since my injury. I learned shortly before my injury that I have hypothyroidism, and I've been challenged to really look closer at the preservatives and toxins in my food as some of them can be "endocrine disruptors". With all that said, buy and eat local folks! I can't say just yet that I've seen a difference on the scale but it feels better to know that I'm putting better things into my body.

Alright, today's question. I think this is similar to one I did before so I'll keep it short. "God gave us two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." That's it lol

One week from today I get to run again!! On an anti-gravity treadmill that is lol but I'll take it! Of course I'm working from home today with the weather, so my gym routine this morning was heavily inspired by the anticipation of next week.
Speaking of gyms......I quit the one here in Fleming lol one just opened up at work and it's free for employees so that's where I'm going to be from now on. Saves some money and just makes more sense from a logistical standpoint. So I'm excited to get going in the new hospital gym and will try to remember to post pics sometime :) I will however, still be able to join Matt at Achieve with a guest pass but he's talking about quitting too lol we're probably going to get our own treadmill and not have to deal with the hour issue at Achieve. We both find it a bit annoying that AF doesn't open until 5 AM. We get up much earlier than that and that's not enough time to train/run/workout before going to work. I utilized Planet Fitness there for just a hot minute and let me tell you.....ew. Not for me lol

Time to log out for the day! Stay dry everyone!


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