Sick Saturdays

Sorry for the mini break! Yesterday was amazing and something incredible happened! I’ll get to talk about it later in October but not before then lol if there’s one thing that 2024 taught me, it’s don’t talk about the things you’re looking forward to because life might just happen and rip the dang rug out from underneath you lol stay tuned for what’s to come on my Instagram!…..hopefully lol

Ok, today I was supposed to be doing an organic food hall after going to the organic food store in Orange Park, but ya girl is sick right now. I don’t know if I have a stomach bug, or if I have become severely lactose intolerant, but I have been doubled over in a lot of stomach pain since probably 10 AM this morning. I have no appetite, have only had coffee and a couple of bananas, so I’m laid up on the couch miserable af. Since I don’t feel up to cooking, Matt’s doing a fast and joining me in not eating right now lol he actually fasts periodically and this will be the first weekend that I join him by accident! He has some endocrine issues we found out about since being married and he periodically has to rid his system of toxins through extreme means of fasting. It’s super healthy to do, just not do it often and it’s not recommended for women like me. But that’s another topic for another day. Time for more rest and then it’s healthy meal prepping and baking tomorrow! Here’s a sleeping picture of Mavs who has been snuggled up by my side all day. My sweet angel, look at those toe beans!


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