So Long Summer Series? What Am I Most Proud Of Myself For?

Did you guys miss me? I don't think I like blogging on the weekends since I'm very likely to not be in front of my computer. I also already posted to Instagram yesterday so why do I need to make more than one weekend update lol quick weekend recap before jumping into today's topic!

Saturday started off at the gym right after getting Black Rifle Coffee. We were there as soon as they opened and we got our usual order. We were at the gym just as soon as they opened and it was so nice getting to really take my time going through my Saturday routine as opposed to rushing through my PT and weight training before having to rush off to work. We went to the lake to see family afterward and celebrate Pa's 84th birthday. I love Matts family and it was nice getting to see them and play with the kids. We didn't get home until late and that made that first day off absolutely zip by. Photos from Saturday!
Sunday was actually much more fun because it involved much less logistics in having to meet up with anyone. Matt and I did our own thing in terms of working out and I went to the gym and he had a long run with our run group. I didn't feel like cooking so we went to Chubby's and I ordered my favorite, grilled chicken ceasar salad and maybe had one or two of Matts wings lol The rest of the day I just crafted while Matt watched football and believe me, that was such an awesome way to spend a rainy Sunday! I may have also snuck away to Target at one point to get some home decor and smell ALL the fall scented candles while sipping on something from Starbucks #sorrynotsorry
Let's see, what am I CURRENTLY most proud of myself for? Honestly, I'm proud of myself for not melting down at the weight struggle. My PT told me I really need to be eating more protein and weight training more and that's made the scale go right back up. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I currently weigh the most I've ever weighed in my whole life, and I'm oddly proud of it. My goal is to not turn into a hippo lol but it is also my goal to eat enough to get stronger and get back on track. It's an uphill battle everyday to MAKE myself eat and MAKE myself weight lift even if the number on the scale is sticking it's tongue out at me. Matt says to throw it away and don't focus on numbers. He's right, and I wish I could start believing him I am, just working on it.

It's Monday folks, and it's another rainy day here in the not so sunny, sunshine state. Here's to a new week! I hope you all have an awesome one!


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