Introduction - Is this the beginning of a new era?

Hello world, the sun is still out today and I don't know about you, but I'm not looking forward to the anticipated storms this upcoming weekend! I'm so thankful for life right now and so I've decided to do a re-introduction of myself to my new subscribers since some are from run club, some from work and even from my rehab facility! Thank you for taking interest in my life and following along on this journey that I accidentally found myself on almost 100 days ago... let's get started!

My name is Carolyne as the name of the blog suggests lol my name is unique because it's pronounced 'Carolyn' but I most often get called 'Caroline'. I guess it's that little 'E' right there on the end that throws people off so I can't blame them. I've never been the type to correct anyone on how my name is pronounced and I most often respond to Caroline if I'm talking to someone who's hearing impaired or iliterate lol

I grew up here in good old north east Florida and actually lived in Nassau County for the first 26 years of my life. I'm the youngest of only two kids, an older brother, but the community neighborhood I grew up in consisted of very large families, all homeschooled with easiliy 6-8 kids in each house. My home life was pretty primitive, but quite lovely. Yes, I was homeschooled too but was told all the time "you don't act like a homeschooler" lol I guess it's because I was always curious about the world and couldn't wait to grow up and move away! And if you're picturing lots of woods and animals somewhere in all of this, you would be spot on! My dad is a retired electrical engineer but also grew a very successful farm with animals and crops to boot! So yes I grew up with horses, chickens, milking goats, cows and even had a pet squirrel somewhere along the way too. Even though I love living in the city and seeing the world, I'll always be a rustic country girl in my heart.
I met the love of my life 11 years ago this month! In February we will be married for 8 years and we have one very spoiled fur baby together. I love my little family of 3 with all my heart!
We are runners! You will hear so much about this on my page because the sport has become our thing that we do together. Funny back story, I got into running recreationally as a college senior and participated just for fun in local races. Once Matt and I started dating, he began running with me. Running was something I had to talk him into since he historically hated it lol but over time he's grown to love it just as much as me. Over the course of our many years together....I honestly couldn't tell you how many races we've ran together becuase I think it would take too long to list them. Here's a snap from one of our more recent runs and at our favorite yearly run, The Gate River Run! We absolutely hated those flat bill Alter Ego hats lol but getting AG plaques and Top 10% Finisher Hats have become a household tradition in the Stevens house!
Running and traveling is the bulk of what I talk about on this blog so, are there other details about my life that I periodically touch on? Sure, but nothing is as much fun as topics surrounding my favorite sport and my two boys. As many of you know, I'm currently in rehab for a running injury which has put me out of the running scene for the past 12 weeks. Hoping to make my return soon, Lord willing on my progress, strength and healing! Can't wait to blog about those updates with you all!

Today starts a new 30 Days of blogging and I have a schedule of topics pinned to a private board so please, stay tuned for updates and fun topics!

It's a Run-derful Life


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