Ten Interesting Facts About Me

Not all mornings are created equal, my morning started off better than yours I bet lol jk my day actually started off by a surprise FaceTime from my best friend over in Africa. She lives in a remote location so I can’t say where and why she’s there but we had to talk in real time about our cosmetic ambitions over the past weekend. I shared pictures of my micro blading and she wanted to show me a video of her new bangs that she did herself lol some people look absolutely amazing with bangs, she is definitely one of them. She is so incredibly creative and can do so much with her appearance all on her own. And speaking of sisters, it's going to be a family night in Fleming tonight while we catch up with Matts crew. It's been a few weeks since we all got together especially due to Matts schedule so he's actually worked a much earlier shift today, got home around lunch time and took my youngest nephew to the park. Not sure if he picked the oldest up from school today but either way, we're all getting dinner together and taking the boys to Jeremiah's after. Love that little crew!

I hope everyone is ready for the incoming storm. I was supposed to be going to a leadership retreat with the rest of administration this Friday but that's been cancelled aaaaand, I'm working from home so woo-hoo! Let's go ahead and wrap up today's topic before we head out for the night!

Ten Interesting Facts About Me

1. I have a natural flare for music. I was playing in piano competitions with college students by early middle school and only stopped playing when my small and underveloped hands couldn't reach the notes in the appropriate octaves on the piano. I also didn't like playing but my parents kind of made me into a sort of performing monkey and I detested being thrown in front of audiences to play because I knew pretty quickly that they were doing this to lowkey make themselves look good lol

2. My first major is in teaching. I went into the wrong field initially simply due to being so young. I didn't know what I wanted and I kind of had some pressure to enter into the education space and really didn't question it because I just didn't know any better. It ended up really not being for me and I stumbled into healthcare back in 2013 and haven't looked back since.

3. I've worked in healthcare for now over a decade. My very first job was as a nursing assistant because for a time I wanted to go to nursing school. It was at this point in time though that I started dating my husband and I didn't want to go to school when I was having so much fun dating a hot cop lol.

4. I'm a mid-level manager for one of the countries oldest and largest non for profits. Fun facts! Love what I do and where I work.

5. I met my husband on a blinde date. Our moms new eachother from Facebook and had actually been friends since like 2010. They knew eachother from highschool and Matts mom actually used to be best buds with my moms brother so they all knew eachother from years ago. That first blinde date was actually 11 years ago this upcoming Sunday :)

6. I am ambidextrous. And I'm not just saying that. I can write more fluently with my right hand, but I can wakeboard, snowboard and skateboard left and right.

7. I don't want kids (yet) lol I'm way too young and that's all I'm going to say about that subject! I AM a mom though....but a dog mom and that's way better in my opinion.

8. My husband and I have the same middle name! My maiden name happens to be his middle name. Consequently, I've always wanted to keep my maiden name....because it's mine damnit lol so when we exchanged nuptuals in 2017, I of course took his last name as mine and kept Thomas as my new middle.

9. I have one big secret that I've not told one single person. It's so juicy but I'll never tell lol

10. I'm an open book but always know more than I let on :) as some say, I'm full of surprises.

Small wins today! Today was the first time I've been able to wear heels since my injury so I'm ecstatic to be able to not wear any more flats!


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