Back to reality....ugh

Back to work and no, I'm not happy to be back lol I would much rather be enjoying my afternoon coffee in front of the Eiffel Tower or walking by Buckingham palace. I will say though, the new cool temps are very welcomed and I'm happy it's actually starting to feel like fall in the hot state of Florida!

After being awake for 21 hours yesterday, let's just say that I'm in a heavier fog than what London could ever offer. Last night by the time we pulled into our driveway, the headache that's currently in the back of my neck was creeping it's ugly way up through my head at a snails pace and was still present this morning when I woke up. I logged into my computer around 3:30 AM because my body was like hey, screw being on Eastern time, let's be on Paris time again lol so I'm sure being up super early hasn't helped my situation at all either. All of this to say that I worked a good 12 hours to get caught back up on stuff and things that happened while I was away and I'm still not completely out of the hole my Outlook has me buried in.

I finally got around to posting our London recap today during lunch. I had a zillion other pictures I would love to have shared but the platforms only let you share 10 photos which is....dumb lol

Great things are in store for the rest of the week that I can't wait to share with you guys! But as always, no spoiling the surprise :D

Here’s to this green smoothie to try and cure this 24 hour headache…


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