What are your biggest accomplishments so far?

Well hi everybody! How is it possible that I haven't blogged in almost two weeks!? I've been very involved in just my life in general and haven't wanted to do any reflective writing truly. My day starts with my regimented workouts/training, I run to the office as fast as I can, I work my ass off and dart home to cook dinner. By the time all of that is done I'm wiped out and want to read before my eyelids become too heavy to keep open.

What's been going on lately? I'm sorry to immediately jump to the obvious but I ran my fastest 15K this past Saturday and I can only give God the glory for that! I have no idea how that happened considering what 2024 had for me with my injury. I'm super happy with being just 47 seconds faster so I'll take it. Peep the instagram post and check out that Top 10% hat! I can't mull over the thought of how fast my time could have been if I hadn't had my fracture last year. Only looking ahead with hope and a heart filled with gratitude and thanks to God for His provision!

What is my biggest accomplishment so far? That's a really hard one. I think professionally, I'm in an appointed role that I never thought I would have when I first started working here. My entry level job was fun and only supposed to be temporary but I ended up turning this into my career and I'm super thankful. In athletics, I'm faster and stronger than I've ever been and I'm proud of how I've now allowed my issues with food to hold my progress hostage. I'm happier now than I've ever been and I have the progress in this area of life to thank for it. In my personal life, I would have to say my marriage is a great accomplishment. We've been together for 12 years this year and we've truly been incredibly blessed. I don't say that to brag because I know it's not just been us, God's been good in yet another area of my life and he's blessed me with a great husband. I really married out of my league in so many ways lol Matt hates hearing me say that, but it's true.

The day absolutely flew by today and I really enjoyed being able to have an easy run outside as soon as I got home today. Picture tax since pics are what we do here!
Looking forward to a morning running at the Bolles track tomorrow! You can definitely feel Spring in the air and those warmer temperatures just around the corner. I'm so sick of it being cold so I absolutely cannot wait to get into a swimsuit and spend some Saturdays post run by the pool. Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow guys :)


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