30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 20: A favorite song lyric and what it means to you.

Happy Friday! I have a strict rule of running when it comes to listening to music, I don't listen to anything. I want to hear what's around me especially when it's dark. But, today I made an exception since Matt is on an off rotation and went for his run around the same time I did. If he's nearby, I know I'm safe and can have some tune out time. This morning I knew it was going to rain so naturally, my all time rainy favorite tune to listen to is 'Clean' by Taylor Swift. It was perfect for today! But as far as a favorite song lyric...I had to think about this one. I am not a huge music fan aside from listening to Taylor so the options with her incredible lyric writing is endless if I wanted to find something of her works that was meaningful to me.
My two favorite albums by Ms. Swift are '1989' and 'Reputation' and I'm hard core clowning out waiting for the release of Rep TV. When 1989 was re-released last year, I put that on repeat to listen to when I went out on group runs. This album is my favorite album when I need to be in a better mood lol or get some girl power encouragement. I could honestly take a song lyric from any of her albums and apply it to situations pertaining to life, love and loss. Heck, that's why her fanbase loves her music, her work is so incredibly relatable! I wish I could do an entire post about how I could tie some of her songs to people I've dated and how those situations shaped me. Something like this...
My first real crush that I refer to as the "situationship" of my teens/highschool until graduation when he broke my heart. He came to town for my brothers wedding a few years ago and wouldn't even look at me = Story of Us.
The fireman that I dated for a few months right after I turned 18. Dumped me in a really heartless way and then talked trash about me to our friends = Mean
The sweet guy I dated in college who proposed after three months and I said no. I had no idea he was that serious and we broke up, I didn't mean to hurt him and felt awful= Back to December
The "Abercrombie reject" that I dated while my dad was living in hospice. I'm so proud of how young Carolyne handled this....and I must do a quick blurb about this! He moved to Texas while we were dating, and then broke up with me when things took a turn for the worse with my dad. He was pissed that I wouldn't leave town to see him in Texas when my dad was literally on his death bed. He told me "You can wait all you want but nothing is going to change." ...in reference to waiting on my dad to get an organ transplant. Well, six months later, dad's all better and I met my husband and my Facebook relationship status changes. This guy... loses it. Trying to call me, text me, SnapChat. Nothing. He finally gets a ticket to Jax and is leaving me voice messages wanting to see me. This was Christmas time in 2013 now and Matt and I had already been dating for a few months right? Well, I finally talked to Mr. Abercrombie and told him sure, I'll meet you at xyz location on xyz day. *mwa ha ha* I showed up to said location an hour ahead of schedule with a box carrying the heart to the Build a Bear he gave me that I tore to shreds when he broke up with me. I attached a note to it that said "You can wait all you want but nothing is going to change." Asked the hostess to give this to him (showed her his picture) and then I left. Never heard from him again. He got married six months later to his ex girlfriend = I'll Bet You Think About Me *insert chefs kiss*
And finally, to my husband! We waited as long as we did to get married becuase we were saving up for a house and honest to goodness, that was hard! Our families are traditional and so are we and we knew there was no living together until the knot was tied. I had told him before that we could skip the wedding and have an elopment. I just wanted to marry him and I would have said 'yes' if he had proposed with a ring pop lol luckily though, he didn't have a ring pop when he surprised me with something he designed himself now almost 8 years ago.
But with my favorite album in mind, let's get down to the answer of today's topic.
I absolutely love jamming out to 'New Romantics', it's so upbeat and I've turned it all the way up in my AfterShokz on the last few meters of a hard race before and I swear it gave me extra fire in my lungs and strength in my legs. I think the lyrics to this chorus resonate with me so much because in life, I've definitely had people throw stones of hurt at me or tried to throw snares in my path to slow me down or make me stumble. I love people in my life to a fault and honestly that's where I've been able to get myself hurt the most, is when someone double crosses or turns out to not be such a friend or ally the way I thought. I've experienced the realities of just how mean people are when it comes to work, personal life and even family. Sometimes the people who are supposed to love you the hardest and be in your corner are only present to watch you fall down just so they can say 'I told you so'. These people want to make you think they are cheering for you when they're secretly watching for you to fail. I have too many examples to list out but it would take too long. I've grown as a person and God's allowed me to learn from the blows and assaults of the heart of these experiences and it's made me a much stronger person. Slightly more cynical lol but all the wiser. This song is a great one, and speaking of Taylor, TTPD comes out in three weeks! As much as I was hoping she would be announcing Rep TV at the Grammys, I'll take a new TS album straight to the veins any day!
Keep on smiling, xoxoxo
