Treadmills and Tragedies: A tale of blog flops and gym fails

Well, happy Thursday everyone, I’m doing so great keeping up with my summer series and blog topics aren’t I? I think maybe going forward, I need to start doing my blogs in the morning while I am sipping on my coffee that way the activities of the day do not get away from these daily reflections.

So, onto the topic that I wanted to provide some context about. This is a long one so, get comfy! Blogging is fun, and I have always enjoyed creative writing. Did you guys know (likely not since I’ve never mentioned it) that I used to write in my college weekly newsletter way back in the day? Back when I was entering into my sophomore year of college, I really wanted to play softball for the community college women’s softball team. I’ve always been a little bit more athletic and I have really good coordination and aim. Whenever I got a chance to play softball with the church groups I was in, I always loved joining their league teams and getting to play outfield. Fun fact, I’m predominantly right handed, but I am pretty fluently ambidextrous and have a more accurate aim/catch coordination with my left hand so I did really great doing outfield catching. Sadly, playing softball, never extended beyond small league teams with the churches that I grew up in. My parents were not a fan of me doing anything in college that would distract me from my academics so in lieu of playing softball, I got an opportunity to write in the weekly student newsletter. I kept up with this for the last two years of college and really enjoyed getting to interview students, going to student activities and talking to people about different engagement events and college happenings. Whoever said that the former homeschooler would be too shy to get in peoples faces and ask questions was very wrong lol the world is a stage baby and I’m the star! (Thoughts in my young naive mind back then)

So what did I do beyond college in terms of creative writing? Pretty much nothing lol I didn’t keep up with the trending blogs that were hatching in the hidden spaces of the internet and pretty much just let that part of me die off. Until one day many years later, I discovered the free blogging platform that I could create from my Google+ account. This was in the year 2016, which was eight years ago now, totally mind blowing how fast the time has passed, but my re-entering into the writing space ended in a horribly embarrassing flop that I still cringe to think about this day. Read on for the second hand embarrassment...

Buckle up, because there are a lot of details to this one lol I had been a member of a gym back in 2016, and had been a member for about two years after I started my first full-time job at my company. I used to go to a different gym in my hometown that I would go to on my way home after work, but once I started working full-time, I wanted to find something that was closer to the campus I worked at so that I could just work out as soon as I was off work.

Give someone your smile today, it could mean more to them than if you kept it to yourself

