30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 26: Somewhere you'd like to visit and why

Let me start today by saying that a 21 gun salute and last call on the radio are sounds I could go the rest of my life without hearing again. As a police wife that's the audio soundtrack to my worst nightmare. We spent half the day with family and friends while we said goodbye to a longtime familiy friend. I hated hearing my father in law cry but he gave such a touching and Christ centered eulogy and invitation of salvation during this mornings ceremony. Full disclosure, my father in law is right there towards the top of my list of favorite people. I've always clicked really well with Matts parents and I love them so very much. I didn't like using PTO for something so sad, but at least me and Matt got to actually have some time together and grab lunch after lol he works all weekend....again, so even little breaks from both of our jobs are times I highly favor regardless of circumstances. The very first part of the day started on a much more positive note though, I've been back in physical therapy with an IT band issue and this morning was the first morning in three days that I felt like I could run. PT said to keep the miles lower this week and I'm trying to not mentally have a hard time with that lol (I'm talking more about the IT band on my other blog page linked to this site 'Simply Strength' where I'm journaling my journey to Chicago) So that's a big win! Six miles might not be much but it felt great to run again, even if it was on the treadmill, because it was raining at 5 AM lol
Let's talk about somewhere I'd like to visit. Right now it's my bed! Idk why I felt so exausted at the funeral today but I'm happy I've already ran today and I'm working the rest of the day from home so I can make dinner as soon as I'm off and chill the rest of the night with a book. I am tempted though, to go run with the Fleming Island Run Group this afternoon for the weekly Thursday group run that starts at Your Pie pizza at 6. Idk, we shall see....but on a serious note, there's one place me and some of the girls from my running group are planning to fly to in 2025.
Berlin Germany! Why? So, I found out last year that each year, the day before the Berlin marathon, anyone can register to skate the entire course of the 26.2 mile distance! Apparantly in Europe, in-line skating is a really big deal and they have professional divisions who compete for championships in Berlin! Essentially, we're planning to snag tickets to go and skate in Germany next year. Matts half way on board but he would be ok having some authentic German beer while me and the girls destroy our hip flexors skating 26 miles lol our group of ladies have been able to go skating at Skate Station a few times and have even group skated in my outer neighborhood. Are we being adult children? Possibly, but this is what a group of running DINKS do. We find athletic/fitness hobbies, find other people of similar interest with a wander lust and make really crazy plans while we drink mimosa after a Sunday long run by the beach. What a life, right?
Also, even though Germany speaks predominately English, I have ALWAYS wanted an excuse to learn another language and have been doing a German Rosetta stone course a few hours each week since December. It's one of the easier languages to learn if you're a native English speaker so we'll see how much I can mingle with the locals at the pub after skating the course of the Berlin marathon lol Afterward we hope to visit Poland and see some war museums which will make the trip not only fun, but educational as well. I can tell you, I'm a museum nerd and LOVE reading auto-biographies. I won't say even on here some of the auto-biographies I've read because I don't want to get my page flagged lol but I love stepping back in time and visiting the ghosts of times gone by and the people that made history, for better or worse.
Ok Erin this one's for you, skincare talk! I obviously go through the ringer with hormonal imbalances and my skin pays the price for it a lot. These are the two products I was referencing. The Zo by Obagi is very strong and effective. I used to get goodie bags of Zo back when I worked for a plastic surgeons office and helped out with their Botox parties and I've used this stuff ever since. Rodan and Fields could never hold a candle to this stuff! There is also another oil control pad that's made by Zo that I also use for oil control because yes, I still have the skin of a teenager when it comes to managing oil and acne. Ok, that little thingy at the bottom is always tucked in the pocket of my purse. Sometimes the compact doesn't cut it when I've got shine to manage and this thing, idk how to explain the way it works but it vacumes up the oil like magic. I absolutely recommend it!
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. It's definitely going to be a long one with some stuff going on at work but I'm going to make more mountains move. Ready for one crazy project to finish so I can.....start more lol I will likely be at the office on Saturday too but will get my Spring Park enroute per my usual time so I can at least have done that much for the weekend.
Life is short, smile and love more, xoxoxox
