April Blog Series - Day 10: A fruit you dislike and why

I hate running in the evenings but yesterday I had no choice. I really "wanted" to run but as soon as I took off, my body quickly informed me "hey, you're tired". It was a hard one for sure but one thing that I forgot is really nice about evening runs is how wonderful it feels to be able to jump straight in the shower when I'm done, and then go straight to bed! Clean sheets yesterday coupled with fresh exaustion set me up for falling asleep quickly and staying asleep. Today though, I'm unfortunately up earlier than I would look with Matts horrific work alarm that goes off at 3:45 am.

It was also a work from home day, and typically those can be really busy, really not busy, or just bat-shit crazy like yesterday was. There was a need to meet virtually with a few physicians after hours which is typical seeing as they see patients during the day. Regardless, it was a long day and Matt only wanted bacon and eggs for dinner so that part of my day was easy lol After I went for a run, I spent the rest of the evening making bracelets for a friend at work who is a bigger Swiftie than me. I LOVE how these turned out!
Ok, I'll answer this topic question before going into a quick story time to make this blog installment more interesting lol Persimmons......Lort. The assult on my tongue when I felt my taste buds dry up into a sand paper feeling after I took my first bite of this lovely looking berry fruit as a kid. I only tried them once, and I know some people really love them, but I am a texture person and literally couldn't. Texture to me is very important, that's why I can't do avocado. The slime is something I just can't get past and I used to have a trainer/nutritionist who was a big fan of having me eat HALF of a raw avocado every morning with my plain egg whites...... yuck. I'm so glad I'm doing things differently dietary wise these days and can enjoy healthy food that is also equally delicious!

OK, a few years ago, probably within a few months of moving out here to Fleming Island, I had an incident where I had to call the police because somebody was following me on a run, and I was afraid of being attacked. I was out running one night, which I don’t necessarily advocate for, but I didn’t have a choice this day and this older teenager or young college student aged guy, was very noticeably following me. Every time I would slow down, he would too, every time I would speed up, he also would, and he was being very repetitive with my pattern of behavior. During that first incident, I did manage to run home and actually ditch him and I actually didn’t do anything about it at that time other than call Matt and tell him what happened. Matt was actually a bit pissed at me that I did not use my phone to call the police because he said I absolutely had every right to call for help. Behavior like that is threatening and he said that if it happens again, then I need to do something about it.

Two weeks later, I was out on the same route, but I was outside much earlier, the same young man came out of nowhere and all of a sudden started following me again, but this time was much closer. This time I sprinted towards a group of people that were also walking on town Center and this guy was in hot pursuit of catching me. I started yelling at him to back off and immediately called Matt. Matthew actually took care of calling the police, and I think I got more help than what I bargained for. Lol One of Matt‘s previous coworkers is a canine officer that lives two neighborhoods away from us currently, and as luck would have it, my father-in-law is really good friends with the sheriff of Clay County. Within probably five minutes, there was a JSO canine car, and two Clay county patrol vehicles whizzing down the road. I felt kinda bad and pretty embarrassed lol I have only seen this creepy guy one other time since then, but it scared the crap out of me enough to always be really observant of my surroundings and it’s one of the reasons why I always have at least one form of self-defense on me if I choose to run outside in the evening without a run partner from our run group.

So what does all of this have to do with a truck? As creepy luck just would have it, one evening shortly after this police incident, I was out walking the fur kid on the same road at dusk. I was looking down at him while he was using the bathroom, and I had my back turned to the road which… Don’t do that, that’s very stupid….. I heard a vehicle slowing down as it was sounding like it was getting closer to me. Instinctively, I knew that I was not standing near an intersection or near a neighborhood driveway so there’s no reason for this vehicle to be slowing down. I looked up from the road and the driver of a Dodge pick up, had slowed all the way down and had their passenger side window completely open and was leaning out the other side, looking right at me. This driver had very obviously seen me, and decided to slow down, roll his passenger side window down so he could get a good look at me. I backed up as fast as I could and quickly snapped a picture of the tag while he sped off.

So there's the story for today lol I'm way more excited about tomorrows topic which was supposed to be today's but, life happens. I'm spending my morning crafting until it's time to get ready for work because I mentally need some creative time.
Wear a smile even if it feels pointless, xoxoxoxox
