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What are my Biggest Failures?

Blogging two days in a row? Who the heck is this lol Happy Wednesday my crewbies! I hope everyone is having as great of a hump day as I have had so far. Seven miles on the track this morning doing a workout that Matt put together for me was a great way to start the day. Saw my run group, had great weather, and hit some good paces during my 400 and 200 meter sprints so I'm happy. Today is windy af! I'm working from home today and I'm getting distracted by the trees outside my window that keep bending to the weight of this strong wind. Glad Matt had the trees near the house trimmed so there's no risk of anything crashing on top of the house, talk about distractions lol Mavs and I are hard at work and I'm looking forward to my hibachi leftovers for lunch! Alright, how about jumping into today's topic while I have time? I don't consider myself to have a lot of failures, truly. A fail, is only a fail if you let it defeat you in my opinion. Life is going to...

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