What was your biggest fear when you were young?

Well hello everyone, guess who’s back?? Who would have ever thought this new year would bring about so much hectic activities at work that have pretty much demanded all of my attention. What has everyone been up to lately? I hope everyone’s New Year’s resolutions are in full swing still lol mine was sticking with my online trainer but I will be honest, last week got very very rocky with my work schedule and threw things for a loop especially with the race I had this past Saturday. But here we are, starting another weekend with great things planned. Let’s go ahead and answer the first topic question scheduled for today!

This isn’t going to be deep. I was terrified of mannequins and wax dummies! Lol the phobia that I had was INTENSE and it’s actually referred to as Automatonophobia. I won’t even try and attempt to pronounce this one but you can Google about it and see how ridiculous it is. I can remember being a kid and being beyond terrified if I saw one if we were in a touristy area or in a museum. As a kid, they had such a haunted feeling to them that I could never be comfortable around. The fear greatly subsided as I became a teenager and I’d of course be fine if I encountered one now. I think to me, they reminded me of a dead body and I used to be terrified to see a body. That definitely went away as part of what I did in one of my hospital jobs was being present to collect tissue from freshly autopsied corpses. That was a very cool role but I had to develop a hard stomach really quickly. Did you know the rooms that bodies are autopsied in have a sloped floor with a drain in the middle? It’s obvious why it’s there, but I would have never known. The morgue where I got to work out of also had a massive refrigerator of stored and preserved body parts that were a part of crime scene investigations which was super cool! Finally, have you ever seen a freezer door open itself where a freshly deceased individual was just taken? I’ve never felt the feeling of not being alone wash over me like I did that day that I waiting by myself in the morgue for the diener to arrive. I was the only living person in that room standing next to the massive iron table someone towards 1PM. A new cadaver had just arrived and had been set just inside the freezer before I got word to come down. As I stood, a sound just like out of a scary movie, any white noise in the room was absolutely sucked out and replaced with the sound of a long, silent, and consistent creaking of the freezer door starting to open. I could just make out the top of the head of our newest arrival and probably would have either fainted or ran, but the diener arrived and made me feel like I had just been rescued! He knew exactly what had happened and told me all about how he never feels alone “down here” and sometimes strange things happen before and during autopsies.

How did I get down this road lol good thing I got over my phobia of wax figures since I never knew my future career for a time would have me working in direct contact with the deceased. Fun fact, at one point I was applying to nursing school and wanted to work specifically with autopsies or forensics and maybe, in another life I could do that….who knows.

Ok, where in the world am I? Hoteling it for the next 6 days! Stay tuned to the blog and social media for more! Hot tub shot from earlier because where else can you spend a post run protein shake?


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